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Fun things to know about Diana's

Fun facts you should know about delicious Diana's.

Being apart of Diana's since the beginning I get to see what goes on 'behind' the scenes everyday. There's a lot of good stuff happening that not everyone can be apart of. I thought I should share some of the fun and interesting things that go on in our kitchen.

When it comes to our product we want only the best ingredients. That means we strive to get our ingredients local when possible and from its original origin. For instance, our raw honey comes from our very own Honeyville. FYI (for your information) they have more than just delicious honey. When perfecting our sprouted granola we experimented with quite a few different honeys and none compaired. Honeyville honey is consistent in its taste and texture. It gives our product the perfect sweetness without over doing it. The coconut originates in Southeast Asia, the Philippines and that is exactly where our coconut chips come from. Always fresh and the perfect addition to our sprouted granola.

Something I found to be pretty interesting. Our product when it's in its final stage before asembly tends to react to the moisture in the air. No matter how consistant we are we can't always account for the moisture content. Because of this our finished product can be softer then it should be at no fault of our own. Sometimes I like it better that way, but don't tell anyone ;)

We do the sprouting of our nuts and seeds in house. Each nut and seed has its own time that it needs inorder to break down the enzyme inhibators, nutrilize lectins and remove phytic acids. For more information on this process checkout out my blog about 'Why Sprouting....?' and/or our 'Why Sprouted?' page on our website. Since we do all the sprouting here that means we get our ingredients raw. That means in its natural state, not processed. Because of that sometimes we find a small piece of the husk from the flaxseed or a small fragment of a sunflower shell. We are constantly on quality control duty.

We produce small batches, they are made when there is a need. This ensures high quality and freshness.

I think with all that said, our fun and interesting facts show that we strive to bring you the highest quality of sprouted goodness possible. We take pride in what we do, what we create and we always will.

Changing the way you eat granola, one bag at a time.


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