Let's get real for a moment. Have any of you ever experienced bloating or pain after eating something you really love but you know it's good for you? Well you are not alone. This is happening more and more and many people don't know why, but there is hope.....
This is what we have discovered. Nuts and seeds have enzyme inhibitors, basically that means the enzymes block the body from digesting the nuts and seeds which then causes the uncomfortable bloating and sometimes even pain. That's not all, those enzymes also block the body from absorbing all the nutrients from the nuts and seeds. To be more specific the spouting process or the activation process, breaks down the enzyme inhibitors.
This is why we choose to sprout our nuts and seeds. Diana of Diana's Sprouted discovered years ago that she had a problem digesting her favorite nuts and had to stop eating them. Discouraged by this Diana began to research why that was. She then discovered the sprouting process and with her having a background in nutrition this all made sense to her. After trying several sprouted batches Diana finally found the perfect recipe for sprouted nuts and seeds that breaks down those enzymes I mentioned above. Now Diana is able to enjoy her favorite nuts and seeds once again. This recipe that Diana perfected years ago is the same one that we use in our kitchen today.
Any other sprouters out there? We would love to hear your story
Bee Well,​Diana's Sprouters